The Chattanooga Dyslexia Center was established as part of the SLR Center in January 2015 in order to meet the need of the local community for Dyslexia diagnosis and treatment.
Dyslexia and dysgraphia are disorders that involve a significant difficulty interpreting words, letters, and sometimes numbers in order to read and write. They are neurological in origin and do not affect general intelligence. There are a wide range of characteristics. Students with Dyslexia often have difficulties learning phonics and letter-sound correspondence. The performance gap between their reading and writing performance and that of their peers often becomes apparent as early as kindergarten. Reading and math comprehension, as well as vocabulary growth and self-esteem, can suffer as a result.
Our psychologists are licensed. Their testing, along with an in-depth language and phonological processing evaluation by the Speech-Language Pathologist, provides the essential testing and analysis needed to determine the root cause of academic struggles. Following diagnosis, an individualized therapeutic intervention plan is developed and implemented. Further medical and professional referrals are made as needed.

“The Staff and SLPs are always friendly and professional. You have always been helpful in meeting the needs of my sons.”
— Marion S.
Does your child struggle with learning to read? Does homework take hours?
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological.
Characteristics Include:
Inaccurate letter/word recognition
Difficulties identifying speech sounds
Poor spelling
Slow and labored reading
Problems with reading comprehension
Difficulties with math processing
Slow vocabulary growth
Letter, number, and/or word reversals