We are committed to providing our clients with the tools they need to effectively interact and communicate with their families, friends, and teachers and to lead enriching lives.
We tailor therapy to the specific needs of each client and we work closely with families and teachers for the most rapid and permanent success.
We are here to help you. Here’s how:
Speech can be described as the production of speech sounds (articulation) and the flow of speech (fluency). The development of speech sounds typically follows a well-defined sequence and children are not expected to use all consonant sounds clearly in conversation until about 7 years old. Disruptions in the flow of speech can also be age appropriate at times. Our Speech-Language Pathologists are trained to evaluate the underlying cause of speech difficulties and determine which ones are not developmentally appropriate. Therapy involves the use of fun and effective therapy techniques to enable your child to become a clear and confident speaker.
Language involves receptive and expressive language abilities and is used in countless daily tasks and interactions with others. Receptive language can be described as the ability to understand what has been said, relate it to already learned information, and formulate ideas. We use receptive language to understand directions, comprehend what we read, interpret body language, and much more.
Expressive language describes the ability to express ones thoughts and ideas. The use of vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and pragmatics are some of the many aspects of expressive communication. Gestures, sign language, body language, and picture exchange communication are some nonverbal ways to expressively communicate with others.
These terms refer to the understanding and working knowledge of sound/ letter correspondence, including the ability to "sound out" words and to manipulate sounds in spoken word. These skills provide the foundation for reading and spelling.
Language and sound processing are two essential aspects needed for reading decoding and comprehension. These are areas in which our Speech-Language Pathologists excel and what sets us apart from other reading professionals. We provide an in-depth evaluation of phonological awareness, processing speed, reading rate and accuracy, language processing, and comprehension abilities in order to develop an individualized treatment plan.
If Dyslexia is suspected, we offer diagnostic services through our in-house Chattanooga Dyslexia Center.
Dyslexia is a disorder that involves difficulties learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, despite having an average to above average intelligence. Characteristics vary but some red flags are: not seeming to "get" phonics, letter or number reversals past second grade, having a hard time learning left from right and understanding sequences, like time. Individuals with Dyslexia may have slow processing speed and need extra time to complete their work. We provide comprehensive testing in order to diagnose and treat Dyslexia. Please see the Dyslexia Center tab for more information.
Auditory processing involves the ability to comprehend and remember auditory information accurately, even in the midst of competing noise. Mishearing similar sounding words, difficulties understanding stories read aloud, and misinterpreting verbal directions despite having normal hearing acuity are a few of the warning signs of auditory processing difficulties. We do not diagnose Auditory Processing Disorder but we do determine any areas of weakness and provide treatment. One effective treatment option provided at SLR Center is the NeuroNet Program.
Attention Deficit Disorder can be diagnosed by our psychologist through cognitive and academic testing, along with behavior checklists completed by family and teachers. Referrals are made to medical doctors as appropriate.
Pragmatic language describes the social communication skills we use in our daily interactions with others, including how we communicate our personal thoughts, ideas, and feelings. An evaluation by our psychologist and one of our Speech-Language Pathologists will help to determine if these skills are appropriate or if they meet the diagnostic criteria for Autism or a Pragmatic Language Disorder.
We primarily serve individuals under age 18. However, we are qualified to provide certain assessments and therapeutic services for adults as well. Please contact us for more information about how we can best serve you.

“The staff and therapists are exceptional, professional, and kind. My son has improved far beyond my expectations in his speech. I highly recommend all of their services. ”
— Shonda E.